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Current density is unrelated to Ohm's Law.

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Q: According to ohms law the current density is proportional to?
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What is the relationship between current and voltage in a simple current?

According to ohms law I=V/R; So current is directly proportional to voltage

Current is inversely proportional to resistance?

Current is inversely proportional to resistance, this comes from the ohms law. V=IR If we keep the voltage as constant then Current will be inversely proportional to resistance

Is voltage and current are proportional?

Yes, due to ohms law. Current, resistance and voltage are all directly proportional. V=IR; I=V/R; & R=V/I

What effect are there when resistance is increased in the size of the current?

Current is inversely proportional to resistance. If you double the resistance, you halve the current. Ohm's Law: Volts = Amps * Ohms Solve for Amps: Amps = Volts / Ohms

How can you express ohms law in mathematical?

Voltage = Current * Resistance ANSWER: 1000V = 1000 I = 1000 Ohms does not compute It is a relationship that states if there is 1 ohm and 1 volt there will be =1 amperes flowing. The number can change but the relation ship will not

Example of a scientific law?

Current is proportional to the voltage provided the conductor is at the same temperature - Ohms Law There you go, hope this helped

What are the factors of ohms law?

Ohm's law states that the current through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the potential difference across the two points, and inversely proportional to the resistance between them

How are voltage resistance and current related?

Current, voltage and resistance are related by the Ohm's law formula which states that current is directly proportional to the applied voltage and inversely proportional to the resistance at a constant temperature. Stated mathematically: I = E/R where I = current in amperes, abbreviated to A E = voltage in volts, abbreviated to V R = resistance in ohms, usually signified by the Greek omega Ω

Does a rheostat control strength of current?

A rheostat is a variable resistor and these control the flow of current.

What Äąs capacitance?

Capacitance is resistance (not ohms) to a change in voltage using stored charge. The differential equation of a capacitor is dv/dt = i/c. This means that the rate of change of voltage is directly proportional to current and inversely proportional to capacitance.

Can the amperage of a DC current be increased keeping the voltage constant?

According to Ohms law, current will increase in proportion to the voltage increase. Ohms law is an equation:Voltage = current x resistance.If the resistance stays the same, any increase in voltage must mean a proportional increase in current according to this equation.

Why cant you use a 12 volt battery with a 6 volt globe?

When you double the voltage you double the current and that is what burns the bulb out. Ohm's law states, the current is directly proportional to the applied voltage and inversely proportional to the resistance of the circuit. Volts = Amps x Resistance (Ohms) E = I x R.