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from Electronics by Malvino

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Q: The valence electron of copper atom experiences what kind of attraction toward the nucleus?
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In an SCR why silicon is used?

Si has highest valence electron .

Are free electron in valence band or conduction band?

In semiconductors free electrons are in conduction bands.

Can you dope a semiconductor with holes instead of electrons?

Doping with Group III elements, which are missing the fourth valence electron, creates "broken bonds" (holes) in the silicon lattice that are free to move. The result is an electrically conductive p-type semiconductor.

Why n type and p type are electrically neutral?

An N-type semiconductor is obtained by carrying out a process of doping, that is, by adding an impurity of valence-five elements to a valence-four semiconductor in order to increase the number of free charge carriers. When the doping material is added, it gives away weakly-bound outer electrons to the semiconductor atoms. This type of doping agent is also known as donor material since it gives away some of its electrons. The purpose of N-type doping is to produce an abundance of mobile or carrier electrons in the material. To help understand how n-type doping is accomplished, consider the case of silicon (Si). Si atoms have four valence electrons, each of which is covalently bonded with each of the four adjacent Si atoms. If an atom with five valence electrons, such as those from group 15 of the periodic table , is incorporated into the crystal lattice in place of a Si atom, then that atom will have four covalent bonds and one unbonded electron. This extra electron is only weakly bound to the atom and can easily be excited into the conduction band. At normal temperatures, virtually all such electrons are excited into the conduction band. Since excitation of these electrons does not result in the formation of a hole, the number of electrons in such a material far exceeds the number of holes. In this case the electrons are the majority carriers and the holes are the minority carriers. Because the five-electron atoms have an extra electron to donate, they are called donor atoms. Note that each movable electron within the semiconductor is never far from an immobile positive dopant ion, and the N-doped material normally has a net electric charge of zero.

What is hole current?

There are two type of carriers in any semiconductor. For a given sample, these carriers have a specific concentration and mobility. The current flow due to the holes carriers in any semiconductor is the hole current.Answer'Holes' are imaginary positive, mobile, charge carriers used as a model to represent the behaviour of electric current in p-type semiconducting material. A 'model' is simply a means of explaining complex behavior in terms of something we can easily understand or picture in our minds. In reality, therefore, holes do not exist, but offer a convenient way of explaining current flow in semiconductors in an understandable way. A 'hole' is simply a vacant position, formally occupied by an electron, rather than a real entity. As electrons move in one direction, relative to those electrons, these imaginary holes behave as though they move in the opposite direction (in rather the same way that scenery seems to be moving backwards when you look from a train whereas, in reality, it's the train that's moving forward!). So, as electrons move from negative to positive, holes appear as though the electrons are actually stationary and it's the holes that are moving from positive to negative.So it's convenient to think of current flow through 'p-type' material, in particular. in terms of imaginary holes moving in the opposite direction to electron flow.(You see a similar effect with led message boards. The message is formed by bright led dots that appear to move in one direction; but you can also argue that the message is formed by the unilluminated leds that appear to move in the opposite direction! You can think of the illuminated leds as electron flow and the unilluminated leds as hole flow.)Diouly-dcp's answerfirst lets look at what is holehole: is when an external voltage source of energy acquire to a piece of silicon or other,it allows the valence electrons to thermally jump from the valence bond to the conduction bond, when they moved, a vacancy is left. this vacancy is called holehole current: another type of current occurs at the valence level where the holes created by the free electron exist. Electrons remaining in the Valence Bond are still attached to their atoms and are not free to move randomly in the crystal structure as are the free electron, however a valence electron can move into a near by whole with little change in it's energy level thus leaving another hole where it came from. effectively the hole has more from one place to another in the crystal structure, this is called hole current.(electrons in the valence bond are moving from one hole to another in the valence bond it self, but not to the conduction bond)

Related questions

Why does valence electron give up outermost energy easily?

The force of attraction between the atom's nucleus and its valence electrons are the least. Hence valence electrons are lost easily.

Why does bromine have higher ionization energy then lead?

Bromine has less valence shells than lead making the distance between its valence electron and its nucleus less than that of lead. This means that there is greater attraction between the nucleus and electron for bromine and it requires a higher ionisation energy to remove its electron.

What are the electron farthest from the nucleus called?

Electrons farthest from nucleus are valence electrons. They are present in outermost orbit.

Why does not the nucleus attract the atoms from top to bottom in a periodic table?

Down a group, the number of shell increases and the electron enters into a different shell. Hence, the distance between the nucleus and valence electron increases and the nuclear attraction decreases

What is electron shielding?

•The shielding effect describes the decrease in attraction between an electron and the nucleus in any atom with more than one electron shell. •It is also referred to as the screening effect or atomic shielding. •Shielding electrons are the electrons in the energy levels between the nucleus and the valence electrons. They are called "shielding" electrons because they "shield" the valence electrons from the force of attraction exerted by the positive charge in the nucleus. Also, it has trends in the Periodic Table

Why Na is less reactive than K?

Potassium's 1 valence electron is farther away from its nucleus than sodium's 1 valence electron is from its nucleus. Potassium is one period up from sodium (well, down on the p.t.e., but up in number of energy levels), so the attraction between potassium's nucleus and outermost electron is a little less than in sodium, so that electron is more likely to go flying, which makes potassium more reactive.

What are the farthest electrons from the nucleus?

It's called a valence electron.

What are the electrons farthest from the nucleus?

It's called a valence electron.

How many valence rings surround an electron?

None. the valence "rings" surround a an atomic nucleus.

What is the difference between a valence electron and a shielding electron?

Valence electrons are electrons on the outermost shell/orbitals. Sheilding electrons are inner electrons that block valence electrons from protons causing less attraction.

Why are valence electrons easier to remove from an atom than core electrons?

the force of attraction between then nucleus and the valence electrons is less than that between the nucleus and the core electrons

What causes an electron to jump from Atom to atom?

An electromagnetic force attraction between opposite charges pulls atoms together, either between electrons and nuclei, or as the result of a dipole attraction.