Low loss transmission of power at high voltages for long distances then the ability to transform down to lower voltages near the point of usage, i.e. substations and pole transformers near residences.
It is capable of speed and full No Voltage drop due to wire
High school diploma, followed by a three/four year college course in electronics. Math must be good, together with an ability to communicate in good English.
The ability to conduct electricity is a property of a conductor.
Capacitance is an ability to store an electric charge. "If we consider two same conductors as capacitor,the capacitance will be small even the conductors are close together for long time." this effect is called Stray Capacitance.
We do not yet have the ability to travel such distances.
The ability to travel long distances comfortably and quickly.
The ability of a material to span horizontal distances with a minimum of support is called "cantilevering". This structural principle is often used in architecture and engineering to create overhangs or free-standing structures.
the answer is lens. :D
Locusts differ from grasshoppers in that they have the ability to change their behaviour and habits and can migrate over large distances but they do so when their population reaches a peak in numbers. Other wise they could live a lonely life.
Why yes, yes I do. I can lift small objects and throw them short distances.
The unique part of a rabbit is their ability to jump far distances, and quick reflexes.
The ability to ship goods over longer distances at a much faster rate.
Hulk's super-strength gives his legs the ability to propel him great heights and distances.
Because of their ability to judge distances when stalking or ambushing prey.