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Wood is relatively strong, weathers fairly well, is (or was, at least) readily available, and is inexpensive. Utility power generation is, after all, a for-profit business.

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Q: Why are some electricity pylons in US made of wood?
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Can wood be made to be a coductor of electricity?

you beep

Why are switches made of plastic and not metal?

metals are good conductors of electricity. plastic and wood are insulators. they do not conduct electricity

Why does wood catch fire if it is bad conductor?

Wood is a poor conductor(non-electrolyte) because it doesn't have free moving ions to conduct the electricity.

What sea does the city of Veince Italy sit on?

Venice was built on pylons made of wood. The reason that Venice is thought to be "sinking" is due to fissures formed by wells emptying out the aquifers that reside under the city.

What is the voilin made of?

it is made of wood, but not all violins are made from the some wood.

What are some things made of wood that start with the letter N?

The newspaper is made from wood pulp. Nightstands are made from wood.

Is a pencil an insulator of electricity?

see, the pencil's outer shield is made out of wood which is a bad conductor of electricity but the graphite core is a good conductor. thank you.

Why does electricity not flow in wood?

Dry wood is not a conductor of electricity as there are no free electrons to flow.

Why does static electricity and wood stick together?

Objects like a dry wood stick does not conduct electricity but they may accumulate electrostatic charges on their surface

Where does electricity go after it goes to the wooden overhead lines?

Overhead distribution lines are made of aluminium not wood.

Is wood a conductor or an insulator of electricity?

Wood is an insulator.

Why wood does not conduct electricity?

Wood can conduct electricity if the wood is still green or wet, otherwise the wood has too much resistance (resistance is the opposition to current flow).