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By definition a synchronous generator must be synchronous. If it is not "locked in" it is not a synchronous generator, but an induction machine.

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Q: Why is the frequency of a synchronous generator locked into its rate of shaft rotation?
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Application of flip flop as a frequency doubler?

One way of using a flip flop as a frequency doubler is to create an oscillator at the desired doubled frequency, and then divide by two with the flip flop, resulting in the original frequency, and then controlling the oscillator with a phase locked loop.

Why PLL better than VCO?

A PLL is different than a VCO. Each has its own use. Actually a PLL (Phase Locked Loop) contains a VCO (Voltage controlled oscillator). A VCO is an oscillator whose frequency is related to an input voltage. You can use it when you need a varying frequency that is controlled by a varying voltage. But it is not great at outputting a consistant exact voltage because it is very sensitive to its environment (e.g. temperature). A PLL will "lock" its output frequency to some input frequency. So it can oscillate at a frequency that is controlled by an input oscillator. Not too useful if the output frequency is the same as the input. But the output frequency can be divided before it is compared to the input. This allows the output frequency to be higher (some multiple of) the input frequency. Once a PLL is "locked on" to an input frequency it can be very stable.

How is the synchronous motor made self starting?

The synchronous motor is made self starting by providing a special winding on the rotor poles, known as damper winding or squirrel cage winding. AC supply given to the stator produces a rotating magnetic field which causes the rotor to rotate, therefore, in the beginning synchronous motor provided with damper winding starts as a squirrel cage induction motor. The exciter moves along the rotor. When the motor attains about 95%of synchronous speed, the rotor winding is connected to exciter terminals and the rotor is magnetically locked by the rotating field of the stator and the motor runs as a synchronous motor. While starting a synchronous motor, the field winding must be shorted through a suitable resistance so that the induced voltage is distributed throughout the whole winding and no part is subjected to the high voltage induced in the entire winding.

What is difference of blocked rotor and locked rotor protection of motor?

What is difference of blocked rotor and locked rotor protection of motor?Read more:What_is_difference_of_blocked_rotor_and_locked_rotor_protection_of_motor

What is LRA of a motor?

Locked rotor ampere

Related questions

Why isn't mercury in synchronous rotation with respect to the Sun?

The Sun created a significant tidal bulge on Mercury when it was still a young, molten planet; when the planet solidified, this bulge was locked in place. Mercury is so close to the Sun that the Sun's gravitational force on Mercury's tidal bulges changed the planet's rotation rate. However, Mercury's highly eccentric orbit has prevented the planet from getting locked into synchronous rotation.

How many generator we can operate in parallel in a system?

In a grid system all the alternators run in parallel, locked together in frequency.

What State is at which the moon orbital and rotational periods are equal?

A state of `synchronous rotation`. Its where the rotational period of the moon is equal to orbital rotation period about Earth, one face of the moon will always appear to face earth. In our moons case this is due to tidal locking.

When the Moon reaches equal periods of orbital and rotational periods it's known as rotation?

When a satelite's rotational period is the same as its orbital period, like our moon, the satelite is tidally locked to the body being orbited. Such a rotation rate is known as a synchronous rotation. The effect is that the same side of the satelite always faces the orbited body.

If you have the iPhone 4 and your keyboard rotation is either locked or the sensor is broke what do you do?

If the rotation is locked, unlock it! Otherwise send it to Apple for repairing.

What is the period of rotation of callisto?

Callisto rotation is synchronously locked with Jupiter, so it's rotation is the same as its revolution of 16.689 days.

Why the standard ac frequency distribution is 50 Hz or 60 Hz and not a large figure like 500 or 1000 Hz?

Whether you use 50 Hz and 60 Hz in the place where you live or work happens to be for historical reasons.If you want to see more detailed information please see the Related Questions shown below.

Why SONET is called synchronous network?

Because SONET/SDH uses "synchronous TDM multiplexer" to multiplexe signals from multiple electrical sources . All clocks in the system are locked to a master clock.

When is the complete rotation of the moon?

The moon is tidally locked to the earth, so it's rotation and revolution are the same. About 29 days.

Why do you always see same side of moon?

The Moon is in synchronous rotation with the Earth [See link], which means it rotates on its axis about the same time as it takes to orbit the Earth. This results in it keeping the same face looking towards the Earth at all times. The Moon used to rotate at a faster rate, but years ago, its rotation slowed and became locked in this orientation as a result of frictional effects associated with tidal deformations.

Why a machine should run with synchronous speed?

A synchronous motor is not self starting.However when it is provided with some prime mover ,which rotates it up to 80% of sync. speed,then it continues to rotate at sync.speed even after prime mover is removed.It happens so because rotor poles are locked with rotating magnetic field and hence the speed is always synchronous.

How do you know if motor is locked up?

A motor that is locked up cannot make a rotation. The motor will not turn over or start. Try to turn the main pulley. When the pulley cannot be by just, the motor is locked up.