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For open circuit test of transformer, the secondary is open circuit and the circuit impedance is largely inductive due to the core impedance having high L as compared to R. hence the power factor is reduced, thus , we use low power factor wattmeters.

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Q: Why low power factor wattmeter is used for open circuit test of transformer?
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Why you use low power factor wattmeter on primary and unity power factor on secondary side of transformer?

There is no such thing as a 'low power-factor' wattmeter. A wattmeter always reads true power, regardless of the load's power factor.

Why you use upf wattmeter for short circuit test on load test on single phase transformer?

If, by 'upf', you mean 'unity power factor', then allwattmeters measure the in-phase component of the load current, so the term is quiet unnecessary.A short-circuit test is used to determine the (true) power loss in the transformer, which is exactly what a wattmeter measures

What does reading of wattmeter indicate in case of open circuit test of transformer?

In case of open circuit test of transformers we measure iron losses and hence the power lost here is being measured by the wattmeter.

Power in a circuit can be measured using a?

By definition, a wattmeter.

What is a transformer and what principle is used in transformer?

A transformer is a static device which converts electrical energy from one circuit to another circuit without changing frequency, power, power factor. It works on the principle of faradays laws of electro magnetic induction.

What is difference between lpf and upf wattmeters?

LPF wattmeter is used for measuring power in highly inductive circuits & UPF wattmeter is used for measure power in resistance circuit in which the power factor ranges from 0.5 to unity. Answer is given by :Er. M KUMAR YADAV

What is low power factor watt meter?

A wattmeter reads the true power of a load, regardless of its power factor.

What does upf stands in upf wattmeter?

Unity Power Factor.

Why the power factor of load is not fixed on the transformer?

Because the transformer designer does not know the power factors of the different loads that might be connected to it. The way round this probem is to specify the voltage and the maximum current that the transformer can supply, then multply them together and print the VA, kVA or MVA rating on the transformer. Then it's up to the user to comply with this rating to avoid damaging the transformer.

What are the uses of wattmeter?

Wattmeter is an intrument which is used to measure the power consumption of an Electric circuit or an appliance which is connected to the supply in terms of Watts.

Why transformer power factor taken unity?

It isn't! A transformer operating at no load has a very low power factor.

What are the purposes of performing no load test for the transformer?

These two tests are performed on a transformer to determine (i) equivalent circuit of transformer(ii)voltage regulation of transformer(iii) efficiency of transformer. The power required for theseOpen Circuit test and Short Circuit test on transformeris equal to the power loss occurring in the transformer.