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y-parameters :-

I1=Y11V1 + Y12V2

I2=Y21V1 + Y22V2

so to obtain Y11 and Y21

make V2=0 , (shorting the output terminals)



so to obtain Y12 and Y22

make V1=0 , (shorting the input terminals)



as all the admittance parameters obtained are due to either shorting the input or shorting the output terminals so we ca;; these parameters as short circuit admittance parameters

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Q: Why y parameters are called short circuit admittance parameter?
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Why y parameters are called short circuit parameters?

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What is a parameter in Excel?

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Why are h parameters known as hybrid parameters?

Every linear circuit having input and output terminals can be analysed by four parameters- 1 measured in ohms; - 1 measured in mho; - 2 are dimensionless are called h parameters. Hybrid means 'mixed'. Since these parameters have mixed dimensions, they are also called HYBRID PARAMETERS. These parameters are used to specify a transisitor performance conveniently for small voltages and currents in a particular circuit.

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Do functions get called by reference only?

No. Function parameters are passed by value. Always. Even the so called "call by reference" is a value - the value of the pointer or the address of the object - but what is placed in the parameter list is a value.

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What is the purpose of passing parameters by pointers?

There are two ways to pass parameters to a method. 1) Pass by value 2) Pass by reference.(i.e. pass by pointers). For here, I would say, whenever you required to change the properties/value of the parameter by the method you called you should the approach (2). ie. pass by pointers.

Why hybrid parameters are so called?

Hybrid parameters are called so, because the parameters have different units. In Z- parameters, all the parameters have units of ohms and in Y- parameters, all parameters have Siemens as units. But in hybrid parameters, we have both ohms and Siemens as units. The other way it is called hybrid is, the independent variables are the input current and output voltage.

Why hybrid parameters are called hybrid?

Hybrid parameters are called so, because the parameters have different units. In Z- parameters, all the parameters have units of ohms and in Y- parameters, all parameters have Siemens as units. But in hybrid parameters, we have both ohms and Siemens as units. The other way it is called hybrid is, the independent variables are the input current and output voltage.

What is the ratio of apparent power to true power?

The ratio of apparent power to true power is called 'admittance', expressed in siemens. Admittance is the inverse of impedance.