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It is not necessary (nor possible) in C Programming.

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Q: Why dafault constructor is necessary in c programming?
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Not sure what you mean by this. C is a not an object-oriented programming (OOP) language, and therefore has no constructor concept. You probably meant C++ but, even so, there is no "rise of constructor concept". Constructors are fundamental to OOP -- they allow you to initialise an object at the point of instantiation.

Constructor and destructor invocation in c?

Not possible in C.

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An object-oriented programming language is necessary to do object-oriented programming?

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An implicit constructor call will always call the default constructor, whereas explicit constructor calls allow to chose the best constructor and passing of arguments into the constructor.

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True - A C++ constructor cannot return a value.

What is conustrutor?

A constructor is a function in C which has the same name of the class. The constructor can be used to initialize some function.

Is Constructor Can be Private and Protective in c?

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Why programming c language is necessary for an electrical engineers?

i have only a part of the answer: for microcontrollers "pic" programmation using mikroc.

Can you write own constructor in c plus plus?


What is c and c in computer programming?

C and C++ are both high-level programming languages.

Is C plus plus good for Embedded programming or not?

C and C++ programming is good for embedded programming. However, embedded implies long running, and that means the possibility of memory fragmentation. You will need to spend time working out or acquiring a method of memory management, such as the use of Smart Pointers and Garbage Collection. This is not a trivial task, but it is a necessary task.