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no you cant stand on a clould

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Q: Can you stand on a clould?
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Related questions

What unit is clould cover measured in?

Oktas is what it's measured in.

What happens to gases when they reach the clouds?

the clould will produce rain which is water

is dew a clould?

No, dew is not a cloud. It is condensation on cold surfaces. In the winter it freezes and forms frost.

What do you call a clould of dust and gas that forms around a comets nucleus do to solar heating?


Where clould you find Julia Gillard?

A schedule of the Prime Ministers whereabouts is published on the website of the Prime Minister.

Ia a clould a living tthing or non-living thing?

it is a non living thing as it is not breathing and it does not have life

Do you have any pictures of the mushroom clould?

Below is a link that provides a few links with photos that may meet your needs.

Is a clould a part of earths atmosphere?

A cloud is a collection of water droplets that float and collect in the Troposphere and occasionally in the lower portion of the Stratosphere.

What do the most recently formed stars look like in the galaxy?

it looks like a cluster of stars. it kind of looks like a clould. by Eva

When birds are flying one bird is tired. how the bird is saved?

There is a magic tree in a clould they purch on to p of that and then they are saved. Maybe they just land !

How long after ejaculating in the vagina does the wonem impregnate?

if you dont eat it out it clould take 10 min it also depends on how far in the uterus u ejaculated

When is night in Pokemon FireRed version?

the game has no way of telling what time of day it is. this game does not have a 'night time' the game is always set in the day. with a clould or two passing over head.