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JESUS NEVER LIVED face it the evidence is conclusive. Evolution and the big bang have been proved.

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Q: Did Jesus ever use the word holy ghost instead of holy spirit?
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What do bff5l mean?

it means that you and that person are best friends “5” ever instead of for(4)ever. basically means even when you guys are dead you will still be best friends

Is it proper English to say I can never or I can't never?

Proper usage of this phrase is "I can never..." If you want to use "can't" instead it would be "I can't ever..."

What is the meaning of the badge of the great is humility?

It refers to the concept that people who are truly great seldom if ever boast about their achievements, instead being modest and self effacing.

What is a nominal Christian?

Mainstream/Secular definition: A nominal Christian is one who says he/she is a Christian but hardly ever goes to church. Or, someone who selects "Christianity" as their religion for any official purpose (e.g. national census), but consider him/herself to be a non-practising Christian.Christian definition: A nominal Christian is one who says he/she is a Christian, but does not possess a trusting, faithful, dependent relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ; relationship made possible by Christ's propitiation on the cross and the gift of the Holy Spirit to those predestined by God the Father. The church attendance of a nominal Christian is not relevant to whether they are nominal or not; a nominal Christian can attend church weekly or rarely. A nominal Christian may undertake religious activities (especially at Christmas/Easter), and proclaim fellowship with followers of Jesus (for example, through being a "member" of a church), but in their heart they will possess apathy or even unbelief toward the sovereignty of Jesus Christ.Alternative definition:

What is the opposite of tacet?

I think 'sonare' might be a possibility since it's a musical term that means 'to play'. For the case of singing 'cantare' would be used instead. I've not ever seen either of the terms used in this context though.

Related questions

What happens when the holy spirit comes?

When the holy spirit comes into a person , he is full of the holy ghost and is a changed person for ever.

Where are ghost from?

It depends how far back you want look because have a life cycle type (so this question is abit like 'what came first the chicken or the egg?'). Anyways there life cycle is mainly like this:A person is born they draw what ever ghost/spirit (often a spirit rather than ghost) is closest to them to power the body.The ghost/spirit keeps powering the body until the body is destroyedThe ghost/spirit is released from the bodyIf it is a spirit it has two options:Become a ghost if the person wanted to die, the 'ghost king' (or what ever you want to call it) will take there spirit if they wanted to die. They now serve the 'ghost king'.Remain a spirit and wonder the world with no cause wait to be pulled into a body.If it is a ghost it has two options:If the person did not want to die they turn into a spiritRemain a ghost and continue serving the 'ghost king'The actual life cycle is incredibly complicated but this is the simplified version.

Who will Jesus send to be everpresent?

Jesus will send the Holy Spirit to be everpresent with believers, guiding them, comforting them, and empowering them to live according to his teachings.

Have you ever spoken to a ghost?

Nobody has ever spoken to a ghost, as they do not exist.

Did Thomas ever receive the Holy Spirit?

Yes, according to Christian tradition, Thomas received the Holy Spirit along with the other apostles on the day of Pentecost, as described in the Book of Acts in the Bible. The Holy Spirit empowered Thomas to spread the teachings of Jesus and perform miracles.

Who did Jesus say was coming after him?

The Comforter, the Holy Ghost, as he promised: And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; (John 14.16)

Do ghost haunt people or houses?

Its starts out as ghost haunting houses, then when you move into them they begin to haunt you instead of the house, so if you move after the ghost has been attatched to you the ghost will follow you and whom ever you are with to your new house. So ghost haunt both the begin haunt houses then once someone moves into the house the ghost begins to haunt the people that live there and now the ghost will floow them everywhere they go.

Can you explain the phrase blasphemy against the spirit is not forgiven?

When one has prayed ernestly to know that Jesus is the Christ, and in doing so has received a personal visitaion from the Spirit through a burning senstation throughout their body. Or when a still small voice says in your head that what you have enquired about is true. Then you have been blessed with an undeniable testimony that Jesus is the Christ. To blaspheme against the existence of the Holy Ghost after having received such a testimony then by saying that He does not exist nor ever has done, there is no forgivenes for you in this world or the world to come. A murderer will be forgiven of his crime after true repentance. To denigh the existence of the Holy Spirit with no intention of repenting, then Satan will have you in his kingdom.

Is it true that there are ghost ever where?


What divine qualities does the holy spirit have?

The holy spirit (or holy ghost in older days), or, I think, the comforter does not have any ordinary human characteristics, but can feel what people feel and so bring ease and comfort to them, listen to their fears and concerns, and being a part of the triune God, can answer prayers, sometimes in seemingly miraculous ways.

Are ghosts flammable?

No, their just energy. If you tried to set a ghost on fire it would just more than likely set the rest of your house on fire. How bout you try blessing you home or where ever the ghost is. If you are more dominant then the ghost (if it is a spirit and not a demon) then it would more then likely go away. Its your place, take control.

What does the term walking and talking with Jesus is for a today's as a believer Paragraph please?

Jesus promised his disciples that he would be with them to the end of the world and that our fellowship would be ever with him. So if he is always with us and we with him, as believers, we are able to walk and talk with hm in the spirit.