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There is no need to use an apostrophe in June unless you are referring to a possessive case, such as "June's days are shorter in Australia than they are in the USA because it is winter in the Southern Hemisphere."

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Q: Do you use apostrophe in the word June?
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Related questions

How do you use apostrophe in June?

There is not apostrophe in June. But, there would be apostrophe in the following example: June's car was totaled in the accident.

Do you use an apostrophe for the word that?

No, the word "that" does not require an apostrophe to show possession. The possessive form of "that" is simply "that's."

How do you use an apostrophe in the word you will?

An apostrophe is used in contraction. Example: you will: you'll

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Where does the apostrophe go on word fighters?

Use the apostrophe right after the letter s: fighters'

Does the word parents use apostrophe s?

Use an apostrophe only (without the s) to the word parents if it indicates possession. Example: parents' house

When do you use an apostrophe for the word waitress?

When it is a possessive, use apostrophe. The waitress's coat was stolen. The waitresses' paychecks were cut.

What is the use of the apostrophe in this sentence billy's?

The apostrophe in the word Billy's means Billy's ownership of something.

When using the name Achilles do you use 's or s' apostrophe?

If you are indicating possession (Achilles' heal) use an apostrophe at the end of the word. If you are simply stating his name, there is no apostrophe.

Where do you put the apostrophe in actors?

Use an apostrophe after the word actors if it indicates possession. Example: actors' guild

Do you use an apostrophe with the word wolves?

You wouldn't need to add an apostrophe because the plural of wolf is wolves

When is the apostrophe appropriate in the word its?

Use an apostrophe in the word only if you are using the contraction of the two words it and is. It's time to go! It was wagging its tail.