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"Ode To My Pearl Of The Orient Seas" is a Philippine ode. It was written by Jeff Franco in October 2012.

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Q: Example of philippine ode
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Use ode in a sentence?

An ode is a type of lyric poem. An example sentence would be: He wrote her the sweetest ode she had ever read.

Example of ode poem?

Ode to Shirley and Marion   She was the Bishop's pet raised by nuns in Lafayette Whose photo was their choice on the cover of St. Mary's Voice But to the Bishop and nun's dismay we eloped and ran away from orphanage to army post and widow Woodard as our host I twenty-one and she sixteen could not have foreseen us together much less alive when she reached seventy-five celebrating sixty years of matrimony and a love that is not one bit phony with our eight children and their four hoping for at least twenty years more

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What is an example of an ode poem?

An example of an ode poem is "Ode to a Nightingale" by John Keats. This poem is a tribute to the beauty and song of a nightingale, exploring themes of mortality, nature, and art.

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one good example of Philippine public policy is the Philippine Constitution. And all the laws passed by the Philippine government (Republic Acts) are also samples of public policy.

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The poem "Ode to a Skylark" by Percy Bysshe Shelley is considered a Horatian ode because it celebrates the beauty and joy of the skylark's song, much like Horace's odes celebrated everyday moments and experiences. It focuses on the skylark's ability to inspire and uplift the human spirit, rather than delving into deeper philosophical or moral themes. The structure of the ode also follows the Horatian ode form, with a regular rhyme scheme and meter.

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