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you would use nosotros. If it was robeto y juan then you would use ellos

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Q: For robeto y yo shuold you use nosotros or ellos in your verb conjugation?
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Sarcar yo tu el o ella nosotros y ellos o ellas?

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What is the Uds form of the verb dormirse in the preterite tense?

Present indicative conjugation of dormir: duermo, duermes, duerme, dormimos, dormís, duermen

What does no nos vean mean in English?

I think it means "No we did not see them." Otro corrector: No, actually, for this translation, the sentence must be: "No, no (les, los, las) vimos", very different from "no nos vean"."No nos vean" has different meanings, since in English the subjunctive does not exist as in Spanish:1. Do not look at us! even "¡que no nos vean (ustedes / ellos)!", more emphatic than "no nos vean (ustedes / ellos)". With "ustedes", the sentence is a command, where as with "ellos", the senctence is a subjunctive with an indirect command.2. The subjunctive (a way in which, hypotheses, wishes, unreal facts, advises are expressed) of the verb "ver" (vea, veas, vea, veamos, veáis, vean) For this reason, a complete Spanish context should be expressing if in the context, the sentence is referring to USTEDES (you all) or ELLOS (they)"que no nos vean; ojalá y (que) no nos vean, espero (que) no nos vean, cuida que no nos vean", etc., etc. In this sense, a unique translation of "no nos vean" is extremely complicated in English.

Which pronoun do you use to say they when there is one boy and the rest girls?

Irrespective of the language unless they are all females the proper pronoun would be masculine plural. In French It is Ils, in German it is Sie.

What actors and actresses appeared in Hazlo por ellos. Gala a beneficio de los campos de refugiados de Ruanda - 1994?

The cast of Hazlo por ellos. Gala a beneficio de los campos de refugiados de Ruanda - 1994 includes: Moncho as himself Dyango as himself Lolita Flores as herself Nati Mistral as herself Enrique Ponce as himself Aurora Redondo as herself Charo Reina as herself Paloma San Basilio as herself Carlos Vives as himself

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The cast of Nosotros y Ellos - 2008 includes: Jimena Fernandez

How do you conjugate Dar in Spanish?

Dar (to give). yo doy; tu das; el, ella usted da; nosotros damos; vosotros dais; ellos, ellas, ustedes dan. That is the present indicative conjugation. There are al least 14 others, so you should refer to a verb reference book for the complete conjugation.

What is then conjugation of the verb 'salir'?

The conjugation of the verb 'salir' in the present tense is: Yo salgo Tú sales Él/ella/usted sale Nosotros/as salimos Vosotros/as salís Ellos/ellas/ustedes salen

What is the correct verb for estudiar?

estudiar means to study. conjugation: yo estudio Nosotros estudiamos tu estudias Vosotros estudias (spain) ello ellos ella estudia ellas estudian usted ustedes

How do you say appear in spanish?

Aparecer. The conjugation of this verb as all Spanish verbs is extensive. Yo aparezco / I Tu apareces /you El/Ella aparecen / He/she Ellos /Ellas aparecen / They Nosotros aparecemos / We Ustedes aparecen / You plural

What is the third person plural ellos conjugation of perder in the present tense?

"Pierden" is the third person plural ellos conjugation of perder in the present tense.

What is the participle form of hacer?

Its hecho.(he)el hizo.(you)tú hiciste.(they)ellos hicieron.(we)nosotros hacemos.(they)ellos hicieron.

What is we did it in Spanish?

Lo hicimos. From the verb, hacer, which is irregular. The full conjugation for preterite hacer is: yo hizo tú hiciste él/ella/ usted hice nosotros hicimos vosotros hicisteis ellos/ ellas/ ustedes hicieron

How do you spell do in Mexico?

The Spanish verb for "to do" is hacer, and the conjugation is1. yo hago (I do) / nosotros hacemos (we do)2. tú haces (you do)3. él/ella/ello/usted/uno hace (he, she, you do, one does) / ellos, ellas, ustedes hacen (they do)