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I gave the ball to my playmates.

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Q: How do you use playmates for the indirect object sentence?
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Is symbol indirect object or direct object?

It depends on how you use a word in a sentence, symbol could be an indirect object or a direct object.I like the new symbol. - directHe drew the symbol on the board.

1 Identify the use of the underlined pronoun in the sentence Sandy showed them her coin collection?

The pronoun 'them' is the indirect object of the sentence.

Is the word bedtime an indirect object?

It depends on how you use it, for example: "The bedroom is purple" The word bedroom is the subject. "He hit the bedroom" The word bedroom is the direct object. "We drink water in the bedroom" The word bedroom is the object of the preposition 'in'; 'in the bedroom.' is the indirect object of the verb.

Can wait be used in a sentence with an indirect object?

Indirect objects are functionally the objects of prepositional phrases in which the preposition is missing (e.g. I gave him the book. = I gave the book to him.) If "wait" is used as a verb, the preposition is included, causing "wait" be be properly labeled as a prepositional object rather than an indirect object. For example, we might say, "I wait for her." but we don't say, "I wait her." "Wait" may be itself be the indirect object of a sentence in its infinitive form (e.g. "Her plan was to wait."). Without the infinitive indicator "to", however, the infinitive normally serves as either an adjective or adverb (e.g. "You made me wait."), not a noun, and therefore not an object. In short, assuming you mean to use "wait" as a verb, I'm unaware of any case in which it can be used with an indirect object.

Can an indirect object be a direct object?

no an indirect obj must come between the subject and direct objFrom Kenwg:Actually, the direct object usually comes between the subject and the indirect object.Consider: "He gave the ball to us"He = subjectgave = verbthe ball = direct objectto = prepositionus = indirect object pronoun.Of course, you could say "He gave us the ball", in which case the positions of the direct and indirect objects are indeed reversed - "us", the indirect object, is between the subject and the direct object. But it is not correct to say the either "must" come in one position or the other.In Kenwg's first example, "to us" is a prepositional phrase, and "us" is a prepositional object rather than an indirect object.To the original questioner, I'm not sure. The best I can come up with off the top of my head is something like "John showed Dick[IO] Dick[DO].", where John might be holding a mirror up; but that has both objects being the same fellow. I don't believe an indirect object can actually be a direct object—not without being specified separately.See also Russell's paradox.The indirect object always goes before the direct object. The order shows which is the direct or indirect.The indirect object can be changed into a phrase beginning to or for .

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What is a sentence with the word implement in it and a direct object and indirect object?

A good way to implement your speech is to use the dictionary

Is symbol indirect object or direct object?

It depends on how you use a word in a sentence, symbol could be an indirect object or a direct object.I like the new symbol. - directHe drew the symbol on the board.

1 Identify the use of the underlined pronoun in the sentence Sandy showed them her coin collection?

The pronoun 'them' is the indirect object of the sentence.

How do you use a writer in a sentence as an indirect object?

He gave a gold coin. -- in this sentence the direct object is gold coin.He gave the beggar a gold coin. -- in this sentence the beggar is the indirect object.Another example:My brother gave his girl friend some roses. -- to find the direct object ask the question - what did my brother give? - the answer is roses so roses is the direct object. His girlfriend is the indirect object.The indirect object often comes after for or to.He called a taxi for me.My brother gave some roses to his girlfriend.

Does there have to be an indirect object if there is a direct object?

No, a sentence can have a direct object without an indirect object. The direct object is the receiver of the action, while the indirect object is the recipient. They serve different roles in a sentence.

Is Cher a indirect object or a direct object?

It can be both it depends on how you use the word. I gave Cher the flowers - Cher is indirect object. The indirect object always goes before the direct object (the flowers). I like Cher - Cher is the direct object.

Can you use a noun for a indirect object?

An indirect object is always a noun (or an equivalent phrase). I gave the dog a bone -- "the dog" is the indirect object.

How can you use a noun in a sentence?

A noun can be used in a sentence as the subject of the sentence or of a clause within the sentence, as the object or indirect object of a transitive verb or its present participle used as a gerund in the sentence, as the objective complement (or predicate nominative) of a linking verb or its gerund, as the object of a preposition, as the subject or object of an infinitive, as a nominative of address, as an appositive, or as a nominative absolute.

Use indirect in a sentence?

Some plants do best in indirect sunlight.

Is the word bedtime an indirect object?

It depends on how you use it, for example: "The bedroom is purple" The word bedroom is the subject. "He hit the bedroom" The word bedroom is the direct object. "We drink water in the bedroom" The word bedroom is the object of the preposition 'in'; 'in the bedroom.' is the indirect object of the verb.

How do you use the word sojurn in a sentence?

It is a noun so can serve as subject, object, or indirect object; object of a verb or a verb phrase; object of an adjective; object of an adverb or an adverbial phrase. For forty years the children of Israel did sojurn in the wilderness.

What does it mean in poetry when refferring to persons as them or they?

'They' is the subjective form for a group. The word is use as the subject part of a sentence.They had nothing to give to them.'Them' is the object (or the indirect object) from for a group. Itreceivesthe action of the predicate of the sentence.