When referring to more than one member of the Davis family, you would write Davises.You would not write Davis's unless something belonged to a person named Davis.
"To the Family of" would be acceptable as you will be referring to a specific family.
a wealthy family.
The love you bestow on our family would be apt.
The family name of Rivera is a proper noun. The word family in conjunction with Rivera would not be a proper noun and would not be capitalized unless used in a title such as Rivera Family Picnic.
When referring to more than one member of the Davis family, you would write Davises.You would not write Davis's unless something belonged to a person named Davis.
Jefferson Davis and Abraham Lincoln were born in the southern state of Kentucky. The Lincoln family would eventually move and settle in Illinois. The Davis family would eventually move and settle in Mississippi.
Opinion: because it might raise more questions than it would provide answers.
Close, but not quite. The word "family" is singular, so the verb "are" in "your family are in my thoughts" would be actually be "is", making the sentence "your family IS in my thoughts".
laid back or having fun making a new album or having fun with his family
This would be a Davis Arms .22 Caliber Derringer.
no why would he be
The family of the lady who died WAS making a very big fuss. The word family, even though it conveys plural because you think of more than one person, is actually singular because the group is put together as one. But if you were to replace "family" with "family members," then you would use were because "members" would be the verb to be agreed with
If you were looking for a Comfort Suites hotel in Davis, you would be looking in the state of California. Davis is located in the northern part of the state.
MAtriarchal is The family revolved around the mother as the head of the family thus making it a matriarchal family since the father had passed away some years ago .
Well the anwer in simple, they would wait for their man to come back to then form a family, which mean making se... to have babies Well the anwer in simple, they would wait for their man to come back to then form a family, which mean making se... to have babies