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The noun 'accent' is a concrete noun as a word for a way of speaking a language other that your native language or a way of speaking indigenous to the region you are from (a word for something that can be heard); as a word for a mark identifying a syllable that is stressed in speaking (a word for something that can be seen).

The noun 'accent' is an abstract noun as a word for the emphasis in music; a word for a strongly contrasting visual detail; a word for a concept.

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10y ago

No, accent is a noun or verb. The verb form "accented" can be used as an adjective.

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The word for "accent" in French is "accent."

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The English word "arithmetic" carries no accent mark. The equivalent Spanish word 'aritmetica' has an accent over the 'e'.

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Does the word mesa have an accent?

If you are talking about an accent mark called the 'accute accent', then no. It does not.

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The accent is on the first syllable in the word "compound."

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The Spanish word for "cheese" is "queso", no accent mark.

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You stress the 'a' when you pronounce it, but the word general does not have a written accent.

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The accent is on the first syllable "re-" in the word "remind."

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Is accent an adjective or an adverb?

The word /accent' is a noun, a singular, common, noun; a word for a distinctive mode of pronunciation of a language; the relative prominence or intensity of something; a word for a thing.The word 'accent' is also a verb meaning to emphasize.Examples:His accent is very hard to understand. (noun)You can accent that outfit with a bright scarf. (verb)

Does hola have an accent?

The word "hola" can in fact have an accent, depending on who is saying it. It's a Spanish word, so someone of actual Spanish descent may have an accent while saying the word.

How do you write the word WITH an NYC accent?

You cannot write in an accent. The word "with" is written that way no matter where you happen to be.