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Can be either, depends on point of view written from

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Q: Is the narrator in the three century woman inside or outside the story?
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Is the narrator inside the story of three century woman?

it is about a three century great grandma who is being reported by the news cast and she lies to them about everything.

Who is the narrator of the story the man of the house a world of prose?

The narrator of the story "The Man of the House" is an omniscient third-person narrator. This means that the narrator is not a character in the story, but rather an outside observer who knows and sees everything happening in the story.

The narrator is always part of the story being told?

False. In literature, the narrator can be a character in the story (first-person narrator) or an outside observer (third-person narrator).

What is the person telling or narrating the story?

if you are smart you should know that its levy, like seriously wath dimwit would think its jacob

What is the narrator of a poem?

He or she is actually called the narrator. The narrator differs from the author in that the author wrote the poem but the narrator lives inside the poem and is giving a firsthand account of the story.

Who is the narrator in the third wish short story?

The narrator in "The Third Wish" short story is an omniscient third-person narrator who tells the story from an outside perspective, providing insight into the thoughts and emotions of the characters.

what is an example of  third-person point of view or perspective ?

the narrator is outside the story looking in, as if he were a fly on the wall.

a story told from the third- person objective point of view , the narrator :?

is outside the story looking in 

In most cases the narrator is?

In most cases, the narrator is the person who tells the story, providing insight into characters, events, and themes. They can be a character within the story (first-person narrator) or an outside observer (third-person narrator). The narrator's perspective shapes how the story is presented to the reader.

A story in which the narrator relates the thoughts and actions of a single character?

An outside narrator is third person omniscient.

How do you tell if a narrator of a story is a character within a story or someone outside of it?

Does anything happen to the narrator? Then they are within the story. If they sound as though they're watching everything from their window, or on a TV screen, they're not within the story.

What is the narrative mode of the passage?

The narrative mode of a passage refers to the perspective from which the story is being told. It can be first-person (narrator is a character in the story), second-person (narrator addresses the reader as "you"), or third-person (narrator is outside the story).