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Footnotes are what you use in like an essay paper to explain something that you have wrote in there. When you write an essay and you are in Microsoft Word, some computers have soemthing at the top that says footnotes. Click that after you highlight the word you want to explain then a little 1 at the bottom of the page near the foot of the page will come up. Then you write what the word means and stuff like that, because it is a note at the foot of the page. That is how it gets the name FOOTNOTE.

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9y ago

Footnotes are usually explanatory texts found a the bottom of the page where the footnote is referenced. (Usually in the text of the page there will be a footnote number like this [1] in the text and you would look to the end of the text on the page to find footnote 1 (which may be printed in a different font).

Many word processors include the functionality to make footnotes.

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End notes go at the end of a document or section of a document. Foot notes go at the foot of the current page.

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Verse 18 is shown in (). The foot notes to verse 18 are a and b. Foot notes are aides to further study of a verse or passage from any book that will help the reader to find a additional source to the information.This is the verse:-(18) But with thee will I establish amy bcovenant; and thou shalt come into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons' wives with thee . These are the foot notes a and b as mentioned above.a . . . my covenant, even as I have sworn unto thy father, Enoch, that of thy posterity shall come all nations; and thou . . . b Gen. 9: 9 (9, 12). 9 And I, behold, aI establish my bcovenant with you, and with your seed after you;As you can see Gen. 9:9 also contains references to foot notes by the letters a and b.All explanations to foot notes are usually put at the bottom of a page.

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Cliff Notes are a series of student study guides available primarily in the United States. The guides present and explain literary and other works in pamphlet form or online.

What would the value of a one foot pile of twenty pound notes be?

$55,813.9. This is saying that they are perfectly together without space in between.

To emphasize a point already in your letter are to include a brief personal message un related to letter is called encloser notation?

Foot notes.

What are the different kinds of classified notes?

the different kinds of classified notes are ascending notes ,descending notes,contrary moving notes,reapeated notes,tie notes and slur notes.

Which pane in PowerPoint 2010 provides an area for saving reminders to help a presenter during a presentation?

The Notes Pane.The Notes Pane.The Notes Pane.The Notes Pane.The Notes Pane.The Notes Pane.The Notes Pane.The Notes Pane.The Notes Pane.The Notes Pane.The Notes Pane.

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whole notes, half notes, quarter notes

What are the piano notes to welsh national anthem?

The higher notes are the high notes and the low notes are lower notes: CEDCGFEcccabcaGECCDCEDDDGGGEFGGcccabcaGECDEDCGcGECCDCDGGGEFFGcccabcaGECDEDC.

What are the largest to smallest music notes?

Assuming you mean shortest to longest, they get, as far as I know, down to 32nd notes. So: 32nd notes 16th notes Eighth notes Quarter notes Half notes Whole notes