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Q: What are synonyms of meaning that judges may be able to understand?
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What are synonyms of able?


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"Receptive" means being open or willing to receive new ideas, information, or experiences. It can refer to someone who is attentive and responsive to input from others.

What are synonyms of affordable?

able to be bought

What is the meaning of irrevocable along with its antonym and synonym?

Irrevocable means not able to be revoked or forgiven. Synonyms: unforgivable or inexcusible. Antonyms: revokable, forgivable, excusible

Should judges be able to provide the meaning to the Constitution?

Judges are a necessary part of the process in applying and interpreting the Constitution. If Judges do not use and apply the rules laid down in the Constitution, it means nothing. to do that, a judge must determine how the constitution applies to the specific issues in the case being considered.

What part of the brain is damaged if you can hear but not understand?

If a person is hearing words and are not understanding their meaning it does not mean they have lobe damage. They would have lobe damage if they were not able to hear the words at all. This means that they just do not understand the meaning of the specific words or they do not understand what a person meant by what they said.

What are synonyms of unable?

unable mis able

What is a semantic web?

The word semantic stands for the meaning of. The semantic of something is the meaning of something. The Semantic Web is a web that is able to describe things in a way that computers can understand.

What would happen if dictionaries weren't invented?

Without dictionaries, it would be challenging to standardize language, leading to confusion and misunderstandings in communication. People would rely more on oral tradition for word meanings and spelling, resulting in inconsistency and language barriers. Writing, literature, and education would also be greatly impacted without the reference provided by dictionaries.

What is the meaning can't for the life of understand?

I think you're short a few words of a sentence, but here it goes: "Can't for the life of understand" - n. - 1. To not be able to do something, even for the sake of the life of someone or something named "understand".

What word is a synonym for the word can?

Synonyms for the word 'can' are able or container.

What are synonyms of flexible?

limber, lithe, supple, willowy