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A basic structure that most fiction follows

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Q: What best describes the plot mountain?
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What describes the plot mountain?

A basic structure that most fiction follows

Which phrase best describes confederation?

the plot

Which answer best describes a journal?

a+ a simple plot

What word best describes what happens in a book?

The word that best describes what happens in a book is plot.

Which best explains how writers use the plot mountain?

Though writers use the plot mountain as guideline, they sometimes stray from it as they write.

What best describes the plot?

A basic structure that most fiction follows

What best describes the role of form in a story?

It provides a framework for the plot

Which best describes an incident in a dramatic plot?

Action that builds tension

Is a plot mountain a plot diagram?

Yes, it is

Which word best describes what you can observe about the data displayed by a box and whisker plot?

the data most likely

What describes the rising of a plot in any story?

A plot diagram.

A line that best fits the data points on a scatter plot?

A straight line which best describes the data on a scatter plot is called a "line of best fit". The line could pass through some of the points, all of them, or none of them.