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openness and willingness to receive the love and power of God

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Q: What do cupped hands symbolize?
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What is a yepsen?

A yepsen is an amount which can be held comfortably in two hands cupped together.

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The hands of grandma symbolize the tricks she taught Sek-Lung, the actor that fell in love with her, but most of all, her hands conveyed the quality of their love.

Do dwarf hamsters like to play with you?

Awww! Do you have one? How cute!! Sorry... I think they do if they're not eating or sleeping. They like to be cupped in your hands...

What does it mean to say I'm a little fly cupped in his big hands?

I'm not 100% sure but I think it means that he thinks is in charge of you and can control you?

How do you catch a grasshopper without killing it?

Once you spot one, get close to it and cup your hands. Place both hands around it, and gently close them before it gets away. Make sure you don't crush your hands in the process, or else you'll kill it! You can just keep it cupped in your hands!

What is the oldest microphone?

The oldest microphone would have to be an echo canyon followed by cupped hands around the mouth. Thomas Edison invented the first electronic microphone.

Amado nervo una esperanza?

Amado Nervo fue un poeta mexicano reconocido por su estilo lírico y su profunda sensibilidad. En su obra, el tema de la esperanza está presente como una fuerza que impulsa al ser humano a seguir adelante a pesar de los obstáculos. Nervo exploró en su poesía la idea de la esperanza como una fuerza inspiradora que brinda luz en medio de la oscuridad y alienta a buscar la belleza en la vida.

Does 2 people holding hands symbolize a relationship?

not nessasarily!!!!! But yes it does typically mean that you are in a relationship if you are holding hands. But it depends which way you hold hands!!!!!!!!!!

What do clasped hands symbolize?

peace, union, and that differences dont matter peace :)

Is cup a verb?

Yes, it can be. The word 'cup' may also serve as a noun.Examples"He cupped his hands over his mouth." - verb (past tense)"She drank from the cup." - noun

What would an American soldier have worn at night in Vietnam?

Just his fatiques (uniform). Nothing that glowed or reflected light. When smoking a cigarette, he lit it under his poncho, and smoked it with his hands cupped.

Why we bring our hands close to our mouth while shouting across?

The hands, when cupped around our mouth act like a megaphone and help direct the sound in one direction. Most sound from our mouth, when outside, goes straight up. This is why singers have to me miked when singing outdoors.