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a cockney rhyming slang that means stairs

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Q: What does 'apples plus pears equal stairs' mean?
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What does Going apples and pears mean?

In Cockney rhyming slang - apples means 'stairs'.Read more at:apples-rhyming-slang

Does each mean multiply in math?

No. The answer depends on the context.3 apples for each of 4 children means 3*4 = 12 apples in all. 15 pears divided between 5 children makes 15/5 = 3 pears each.

What does rhyming slang mean?

Rhyming slang is a type of slang where a word or phrase is replaced with a rhyming word or phrase. It originated in the East End of London in the 19th century and is often used for humor or secrecy. For example, "apples and pears" is rhyming slang for stairs.

How does Cockney rhyming slang work?

Cockney rhyming slang is a form of slang in which a word or phrase is replaced by a rhyming phrase, with the rhyming word omitted. For example, "apples and pears" rhymes with "stairs," so "apples" might be used to mean stairs. It is a way of speaking that developed in the East End of London as a form of secret language among the working-class community.

What does it mean to become healthy means?

To become healthy means that you eat healthy like you can eat fruits fro example (bananas,apples,strawberries,blue berries,pomagraniens, pears &ECT.).

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"Oder" means "or" in German. It is used to present a choice or alternative between two options.

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It means there has been no change. You`re trading apples for apples, there`s nothing new.

What does how do you like them apples mean?

It means, they want to know if you like the apples.

What does how do like them apples mean?

It means, they want to know if you like the apples.

How do pears get into pear vodka?

Assuming you mean the "Pear in the Bottle" eaux-de-vie, the bottles are placed over the branches of a pear tree and the pears grow into them.

What fruits are grown in Africa?

Tropical fruits including: Banana, mango, Pineapple, coconut Temperate fruits such as: Apples, oranges, lemon, various berries

What does the cockney rhyming term apple and pears mean?

Ondřej ,,Otin'' Kratochvíl