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To 'convey' is like 'to get the point across' or 'to show'

and 'themes' in literature are universal ideas that literature and other forms of the arts often strive to portray.

Each book or novel will often have 3 or more obvious and important themes.

For example Romeo and Juliet has the themes of "Fate" "Love and Violence" and "The Individual VS Society"

The author conveys these themes by including different situations within the play to show examples of these plights. The "Individual VS Society" is conveyed in the way that Romeo wishes to be with Juliet but can't because of his family and societal pressure (think Pocahontas) Juliet is in the same boat only with her family rooted against Romeo.

The idea of "Fate" is conveyed in the "Star-Crossed Lovers" line, and a variety of "Omens" and "Signs" throughout the play.

"Love and Violence" is a huge theme as well (West Side Story etc.) Fighting for love, fighting to win the one you love and so forth. There is a great deal of tragedy and bloodshed for Romeo and Juliet to be together, but this is really nothing new. (A universal theme).

So, themes can realistically be anything that can be related to others lives and genres and they are conveyed by authors through either character development and plot-line.

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