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The actual quote is "stop beating a dead horse" stop wasteing time on a pointless activity.

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Q: What does it mean to stop eating a dead horse?
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How can you stop people from eating horse?

show them very disgusting pictures of slaughtered horses so they will stop eating them and join a protest altogether.

What is a daisy chain used for?

To stop a horse bucking or eating the grass

What expression of grief can you stop a horse dead in its tracks with?

you can't

What does To choke a horse mean?

It means to stop the horse with the ropes.

How do you stop your pony from eating the bushes?

plant horse repelling plants around the bush

Its like beating a dead horse?

It means that you should stop talking about the subject because it's useless and already been talked about enough. (A dead horse won't do anything for you, no matter how many times you beat it.)

How would a horse act if it had spasmodic colic?

The horse would want to mabey lie down alot... stop eating, and moving as much, get you horse checked anyway,

Why did your horse stop eating and start whimpering?

it is unhappy or it is sick you might what to check with a vet good luck

What does the prefix -ate mean?

You are obviously to fat, so you should stop eating :)

Why did the Aboriginals of Australia leave dead bodies in trees?

my guess would be to stop the dingoes from eating them

Can a horse eat too much?

Yes. Horses generally don't know when to stop eating and can die from overeating.

What does pulled up mean?

It means to stop suddenly, not to get to the goal. To pull up is a horse riding term meaning to pull on the reins to make the horse stop.