

Best Answer

Tan means in social studies means treating animal skins to produce leather.

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Q: What does tan mean?
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What does the color tan represent?

the color tan mean peaceful, calm

What does no tan to mean in spanish?


What does ehres tan agradable mean in spanish?

eres tan agradable = you are so nice

What does tan caliente mean?

Tan caliente = It's so hot (weather only).

What does tan rica mean in Spanish?

Tan rica is: So delicious or So rich.

Is there an action replay code to make you tan?

ummmm..........i think you mean to make your person tan, like you get sunburned tan. i dont know if there is one.

What does the suffix -tan mean?

Its a variation of chan.

What does harguien tan perfecta mean in spanish?

Alguien tan perfecta. Someone so perfect.(female)

How do you solve tan a plus tan a for the angle a?

This question doesn't mean anything. Explain more thoroughly.

What do this mean in English tan grave?

estan grave. its very very bad. es - tan - gra-vey.

What exactly is a tan in terms of anime?

I'm not completely sure what your asking, but if you mean tan anime characters, theres a group of tan girls in "The Wallflower" and the main character is a swimmer and very tan in "Peach Girl".

How do you say so mean in spanish?

Tan cruel.