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Composition means what something is made from, as in "The composition of this soil is sand and loam."

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Q: What does the word composting mean?
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Related questions

How do you use composting in a sentence?

Composting is the thing of recycling of organic waste. This is the sentence containing composting word.

What soil is best for composting?

Composting is the action of breaking down vegetable waste into useable soil, so you get soil from composting, you don't use soil for composting.

How is worm composting different to regular composting?

Because worm composting is healthier to the environment and healthier to the earth. :)

Is clay good for composting?

clay is not good for composting

Does composting effect certain plants?

No. Composting is good for all plants.

What level of recycling and composting waste are in Peru?

what is the level of composting in peru

What is using worms in composting called?

worm composting vermicomposting vermiculture

Composting is a means of turning organic garbage into?

Dirt. When you put vegetable scraps into a container with holes in it for air, dead leaves, some water, and dirt, (worms are extremely helpful for composting) the scraps break down into moist, airy dirt that is good for gardens or house plants. If you mean to keep composting for a long time, you can buy a composting barrel, that is a barrel on a stand you can spin around easily.

What Is An Organic Waste Composting Machine?

An organic waste composting machine is an independent unit that facilitates the composting process and provides better composts.

What is the term which means composting by the use of worms?

Vermicomposting is the term which means composting by the use of worms.Specifically, the first part of the word, vermi-, comes from the Latin word vermis. The word functions as a masculine noun in its singular nominative form as the subject of a sentence. It means "worm."Although composting was known and used by the ancient Romans, the Latin terms is not used in the second half of the above-mentioned term.

Why does composting help the environment?

Composting vegetation waste returns nutrients to the soil.

Is composting bad or good?

Composting is good as long as you are putting in the right stuff, if you are not then it is bad.