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A water shed means when you flush or send something down the drain it goes into the Puget sound,ocean,river or body of water which are our water sheds if you live near the Puget sound that is your water shed if you live next or close to the Mississippi river that's your water shed or the Pacific Ocean hat your water shed so watch out what you send down the drain :)

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How do you use water shed in a sentence?

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No they do not shed

What are water sheds?

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What does water shed?

A water shed means when you flush or send something down the drain it goes into the Puget sound,ocean,river or body of water which are our water sheds if you live near the Puget sound that is your water shed if you live next or close to the Mississippi river that's your water shed or the Pacific Ocean hat your water shed so watch out what you send down the drain :)

How does water flow into a water shed?

Under the help of the gavity , the water can flow into the water shed and it can be more smooth .

How water shed helps environment?

Water Shed can help the world by it when it clean out the ocean so it can be clean it out

What is the definition of water shed?

Water Shed is an imaginary line that divides one drainage basin from another.

How does water get into a water shed?

from undergroud or from the clouds

Why do beluga whales shed their skin?

The fresh water is denser and makes them shed

What causes angelfish to shed in fresh water?

Freshwater Angelfish don't shed.

Where does water in a water shed come from?

A water shed is the catchment area for a reservoir which contains streams and springs leading to on output source being a dam.