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Romeo is excited to go and "explore". He seems willing to go find other fish in the sea.

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โˆ™ 13y ago

Romeos is sad

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Q: What is Romeo's mood at the end of scene 4?
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What is romeos mood at the end of scene 1 act 4?

in the end of act1 scene4 romeo feels joyous to go on and find a new "fish in the sea of life"

What time is it at the opening of scene 4?

A few minutes after the end of scene 3, perhaps!

What obstacles stand in romeos way in act 2 scene 4?

In Act 2, Scene 4 of Romeo and Juliet, the obstacle in Romeoโ€™s way is Mercutio and Benvolio's attempts to locate him, as they are trying to find Romeo before the Capuletโ€™s party. They are concerned about his behavior and are looking for him to prevent any trouble.

Why is romeo in romeo and Juliet not in the mood for the party act 1 scene 4?

In Act 1, Scene 4 of "Romeo and Juliet," Romeo is in a somber mood because he is still heartbroken over his unrequited love for Rosaline. He tells his friends that he has a sense of foreboding about the party and worries that the night's events will lead to something unfortunate.

What happened in the end of scene 4 in Antigone?

nothing the movie sucked

Who are the two people who are in a good mood in act 1 scene 4 in romeo and Juliet?

In Act 1, Scene 4 of Romeo and Juliet, the two people who are in a good mood are Mercutio and Romeo. They are joking and teasing each other as they head to the Capulet's party.

What does Scrooge promise at the end of scene 4?

He will change and keep Christmas in his heart

Where does brutus Cassius go at the end of the scene 2 of act 4?

To Brutus tent

Who interrupts Juliet's and romeos conversation on the balcony?

It is Juliet's nurse who interrupts Juliet's and Romeo's conversation on the balcony. She calls Juliet back inside, urging her to come back to her room.

Where are the king and his followers headed at the end of scene 4 Why In Macbeth?

This must be Act I scene 4 that we are talking about. The king has just announced that the party is at Macbeth's place, and so everyone is headed to Inverness.

What thoughts and feelings does Juliet express in the soliloquy that opens in scene 2 act 3?

It depends which scene 3. At the end of Act 1 Scene 3 she's a bit bewildered by this sudden talk of marriage. At the end of Act 2 Scene 3, she's waiting at home very impatiently. At the end of Act 3 Scene 3 she is miserable. At the end of Act 4 Scene 3 she is a little fearful but is determined to go along with the friar's plan. At the end of Act 5 Scene 3 she is dead.

What happened at the end of scene 4 in Antigone?

Justin Hentges gets shot.