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A Synonym for Obligation is: Pooh Face

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11y ago

The synonyms are accommodating, agreeable, cooperative, or complaisant (not to be confused with complacent).

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Q: What is a synonym for obligation?
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What is the synonym of debt?

Obligation, duty, and due.

What is the synonym for responsibility?

Obligation and duty are both synonyms for responsibility.

What are the kinds of obligation?

1.PuRe oBliGAtIon 2.cOnDItIonAl oBligAtiOn 3.oBliGatIon wItH a pErIod4.aLtErnAtiVe obLIgAtiOn 5.facultatIve oBliGatIon 6.jOiNt oBliGatIon7.sOlIdAry oBliGAtiOn 8.dIvIsiBle obLigAtion 9.inDiViSiBle oBLigAtion10.oBlIGatIOn wIth a pEnaL cODe

What is the synonym for owe?

be beholden, be bound, be contracted, be in arrears, be in debt, be indebted, be into one for, be obligated, be under obligation, feel bound, get on credit, have borrowed, in hock, on the tab, ought to, run up a bill

How is obligation extinguished?

Obligation is extinguished by fulfilling the obligation as promised or as required.

What is the example of conditional obligation?

A conditional obligation is obligation with a condition. ex... I will support your studies in college if Mr. A dies.

A word for something owned to another?

debt, obligation, duty, responsibilitydebt, obligation, duty, responsibilitydebt, obligation, duty, responsibilitydebt, obligation, duty, responsibility

Whats the synonym for responsibility?

The word 'responsibility' is a noun, a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for the state or job of being in charge of someone or something; the person or thing that you are in charge of; the blame for something that has happened; a word for a thing.

What is a conditional obligation?

A conditional obligation is an obligation that is only triggered if a certain condition or event occurs. This means that the obligation to perform or fulfill the duty is dependent on the specified condition being met. If the condition is not satisfied, the obligation may not need to be fulfilled.

What is a real obligation?

A real obligation in the Philippines setting is the obligation to give. A thing must be deliver by the obligor to the obligee.

What is a word meaning 'having to do what you don't want to do'?

I think you mean a word for 'having to do what you don't want to do." A synonym would simply be another word for a word that you aready have. Anyway, how about "obliged"? A possible synonym might be "Being compelled," that is, being forced to do something. Or, like the answer above, "obligated," "duty-bound," "bound," etc.

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