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Reflective question require people to examine their existing knowledge or information before giving a thoughtful response

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Q: What is reflective question definition?
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What is the definition of the word reflective as in thoughtful?

* brooding: deeply or seriously thoughtful; * devoted to matters of the mind; "the reflective type" * contemplation: a calm, lengthy, intent consideration.

What is the purpose of reflective?

One definition of reflection is thinking - therefore, reflective writing is written to think over something, to ponder a problem or situation, or to do some deep thinking about oneself.

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Reflective lyrics are song lyrics that express personal thoughts, emotions, or experiences. They often introspectively explore feelings, memories, or moments of self-reflection.

What is a reflective question?

You need conbine your own experience of some subjects which you enrolled to answer that specific question.

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Active listening would be essential during a question-and-answer session in a class. This involves giving the speaker your full attention, maintaining eye contact, and providing feedback to demonstrate your understanding. It can help foster an open and engaging dialogue between the speaker and the audience.

What kind of listening would you use during a question and answer session in a class?


What is the definition of an Artist Statement?

The definition is: "An artist's statement (or artist statement) is a brief verbal representation (didactic, descriptive, or reflective in nature) created by the artist about his or her own work." - wikipedea

What is the medium of a mirror?

The definition of "Medium" is the material that something is made of. So, a mirror can be made of any material that can be polished enough to be reflective. For example, Metal, Plastic, Glass, even Water can have mirror properties. You may wish to restate your question?

What does reflcetive mean?

The official definition of the word reflective is "the throwing back by a body or surface of light, heat, or sound without absorbing it."

What is the meaning of reflective questions?

Reflective question require people to examine their existing knowledge or information before giving a thoughtful response for example, 'Which parts of Australia have you visited so far?'

What is the definition of Vargas?

Vargas does not have a definition as he was a Brazilian politician. This question is false. Vargas was of Brazilian nationality and as there is no such definition I can not offer an answer for such a crude question.

What is the correct spelling of definition?

You nailed it; it is definition, as you have in your question.