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Q: What is the common name for the underlined information in an article?
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What is the common name for the underlined information in the article mean?

The common name for the underlined information in an article is the hyperlink or link. It is typically highlighted in a different color or underlined to signify that it can be clicked on to navigate to another webpage.

What is the common name for the underline information in the article?


How can footnote be done?

To footnote a book: Authors last name, first name, middle initial. Title of book(underlined). Where it was published, who published it, copyright date, pages used. To footnote an Encyclopedia: Authors last name, first name, middle initial. "title of article", Name of Encyclopedia(underlined). Volume, Where it was published, who published it, copyright Date, pages used. To footnote a Website: Michigan occupational information(underlined). Or MOIS. Michigan Department of Education. "name of career", Date. To footnote a magazine: Authors last name, first name, middle initial. "title of article:, Name of magazine(underlined). Volume, where it was published, who published it, copyright date, pages used. --Daniella B. S.

Do you underline the name of an article in a paper if you are using APA Style?

In APA Style, the title of an article should be in sentence case and enclosed in double quotation marks, not underlined or italicized.

Should the name of a train be underlined or italicized?

No it should not be italicized. If you are referring to a specific train then it should be capitalized. If the name of the train appears in a title of an article, book etc then it should be italicized in that case.

What does the initial letter P mean when underlined?

An underlined initial "P" typically indicates it as a placeholder for personal information like a name or location that varies or changes depending on the context.

Is the name of a text book underlined?

When writing the name of a textbook, it is underlined. This is because it is a book.

Are form names underlined?

No, form names are typically not underlined in most cases. It is more common to use bold text or a different color to emphasize the form name instead of underlining.


The bibliography lists all sources of information used in a report or formal paper. When the source is a book include: * Author (last name first), * Title (underlined) City where the book was published * Publisher * copyright date. For magazines, include: * Author, (last name first) * "Title of the article" (in quotation marks) * Title of the magazine (underlined) * Date of magazine (day, mont ,year) * Page numbers of the article

What does period of the underlined digits mean?

name the period of the underlined digit

Do you put the name of a magazine article in quotes?

Yes, when referring to the title of a magazine article, it is common practice to put it in quotation marks. This helps to distinguish the title from the rest of the text.

Is the name of a movie underlined?

yes it is.