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The main conflict is between Tally (the main character) and the government, over the brainwashing of society.

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Q: What is the conflict in Specials by Scott Westerfeld?
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Who is the antagonist of Pretties by Scott Westerfeld?

the specials

How Many pages long is the specials by Scott Westerfeld?

There are 384 pages in Specials by Scott Westerfield.

What is the copyright date for the book Specials by Scott Westerfeld?


Where can you read specials by Scott westerfeld online?

You can only read some of it but at

How many pages are in extras by Scott westerfeld?

There are 370 pages in Pretties byScott westerfeld

Who was the aurthor of the uglies?

Scott Westerfeld. There are 3 more books, Pretties, Specials, and the Extras

Has uglies by Scott westerfeld come out yet?

Certainly. Uglies came out in 2005, followed by its sequels: Pretties, Specials, and Extras.

What is Scott Westerfeld's birthday?

Scott Westerfeld was born on May 5, 1963.

What is the climax of UGLIES by Scott Westerfeld?

The climax of "Uglies" by Scott Westerfeld is when Tally, the main character, makes the decision to betray her friends and help the Specials. This leads to a series of events that ultimately change the course of the story and Tally's relationships with those around her.

Is Scott Westerfeld dead?

no Scott Westerfeld is not dead. He is still righting book this very year.

Can you read Specials by Scott westerfeld online?

Yes you can... almost. The link below is most of book, Specials. Some of the pages weren't put into it however.

What is the author of peeps?

Scott Westerfeld.