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A fossil is any remains,impression, or trace of a living thing of a former geologic age, as a skeleton or footprint.

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what is this, your homework? yes and its hard.

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What are all the fossils in Pokemon Diamond?

The Fossils in Pokémon Diamond are the Helix Fossil which is the Omanyte Fossil, the Dome Fossil which is the Kabuto Fossil, the Old Amber which is the Aerodactyl Fossil, the Root Fossil which is the Lileep Fossil, the Claw Fossil which is the Anorith Fossil, the Skull Fossil which is the Cranidos Fossil and the Armor Fossil which is the Shieldon Fossil.

How many fossil types are there?

You have 9 types: Armor Fossil, Claw Fossil, Cover Fossil, Dome Fossil, Helix Fossil, Old Amber, Plume Fossil, Root Fossil, Skull Fossil

What can geologist learn from fossils?

Where the fossil was from,what the fossil was,and how old the fossil is.

Which species concept could most easily be applied to fossils?

Fossil species cannot be defined with the genetic definition. But then that's also true of most of the species that biologists define among living organisms.

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A turtle fossil