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Q: What is the definition of incurred expenditure?
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Introduction expenditures

What is the difference between income and expenditure incurred?

Inflow of money is income . Outflow of money is expenditure

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The expenditure incurred in a war in monetary term. The loss incurred by destruction of infrastructure and life.

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What is the difference between revenue expenditure and deferred revenue expenditure?

Revenue expenditure is that which is incurred in anticipation of generating future income for not more than one yr for example- exp incurred in sales promotion and advertisement of an enterprise. Whereas deferred revenue exp. are those for which payment has been made or a liability has been incurred on the presumption that it will be of benefit over a subsequent period or periods

Is depreciation revenue expenditure?

Yes depreciation is a revenue expenditure as it incurs every year to generate revenue and capital expenditure is that expenditure which is incurred for one time to earn revenue for more than one fiscal year.

Define revenue expenditure?

revenue expenditure is recurring in nature. It is incurred to operate day to day expenses. eg salaries and wages, printing and stationery.

What is different between capital and revenue expenditure?

Revenue expenditures are those expenditures which are incurred more than once in a fiscal year and benefits are for only one fiscal year while capital expenditures are those expenditure the benefits of which are taken by company for more than one fiscal years.

What is the link between irregular fruitless and wasteful and unauthorised expenditure?

Fruitless and wasteful expenditure; means expenditure which was made in vain and would have been avoided had reasonable care been exercised. Irregular expenditure; means expenditure , other unauthorised expenditure, incurred in contravention of or that is not in accordance with a requirement of any applicable legislation.

Capital and revenue expenditure?

Capital expenditure includes costs incurred on the acquisition of a fixed asset and any subsequent expenditure that increases the earning capacity of an existing fixed asset. Where as, Revenue expenditure incurred on fixed assets include costs that are aimed at 'maintaining' rather than enhancing the earning capacity of the assets. These are costs that are incurred on a regular basis and the benefit from these costs is obtained over a relatively short period of time.

Deferred revenue expenditure?

Deferred expenditure refers to expenses incurred which do not apply to the current accounting period. Instead, they are debited to a 'Deferred expenditure' account in the non-current assets area of your chart of accounts. When they become current, they can then be transferred to the profit and loss account as normal.