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Q: What is the meaning of social in sporting barriers?
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Removal of legal and social barriers which impose separation of groups is called integration?

Yes, integration refers to the process of removing legal and social barriers that divide or segregate different groups within society. It aims to promote equality, inclusion, and cohesion among individuals from diverse backgrounds.

How Social barriers differs Cultural barriers?

The way we talk to each other in our social lives may be offensive culturaly. Even the way we sit. Stand. And greet eachother. These are all many types of barriers.

What were some of the social barriers the historical figures faced and how did they overcome them?

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What removal of legal and social barriers which impose separation of groups?


Embarrassment and social stigma are common barriers to reporting a sexual assault but in a military setting other barriers include?

To reporting a sexual assalt.

What is the meaning of oldfield?

it was a great sporting accident by mike davids.

how to identify social and physical barriers that may prevent equality and inclusion?

Physical barriers are those that physically prevent a person or group of people from entering or leaving an area. This type of barrier can significantly hinder a group's inclusion. Social barriers are those that intentionally shun a person from participating in events or a particular lifestyle.

What barriers are there to communication in social isolation?

there are many but some can be physical, psycological and natural, you do the math!!!! Edit: Religion and culture set the social barriers between communication. Resulting from those you have language, economic, racial and ethical barriers. Edit: The most prominent barrier of communication in social care would be who gets access to social care and who does not. Social care is not distributed everywhere, even in the places of highest concentrated poverty. Health & Social Care is actually a system that belongs to the government. Thus, the government decides what individuals and groups to extend social care to. Or whoever runs social care facilities decides where to implement social care. Other barriers that would apply to this would be economical and racial barriers. It would seem that most of social care is provided to groups of minorities and old-aged citizens. But middle-class has equal access (if not more) to social care. However ,there are many variables that can prevent someone from having health & social care benefits such as being an illegal immigrant, not have insurance or medicare, etc.

WHAT is the meaning of great mountain barriers?

so u dont fall off

What barriers have glee broken down in order to be influential today?

I'm not sure that Glee has particularly broken down social barriers as much as it simply reflects on social issues affecting teens today-such as the homophobic bullying endured by Kurt on the show.