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Q: What is the proper version of i'?
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What is the improper fraction for 4 9th's?

4/9 is a proper fraction and there is not an improper version.4/9 is a proper fraction and there is not an improper version.4/9 is a proper fraction and there is not an improper version.4/9 is a proper fraction and there is not an improper version.

What is proper version of e'er?

The proper version of "e'er" is "ever." It is a more formal and accepted way of writing the word.

What is the proper abbreviation for version?

The abbreviation for the word,"VERSION" is V.

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Is ab a word?

It is an abbreviated version for 'abdominal muscle'. But it is not really a proper word.

What is Orlando Bloom in spanish?

Orlando Bloom. It is a proper noun and his name. There isn't a Spanish version.

Is brate a word?

Not really. Some people are using it as the latest version of "bro" but it is not a proper word.

What is the proper word for gym?

The word "gym" is a shortened version of the word "gymnasium." When referring to "gym" as being a class in school, the proper term would be "physical education."

What is feminine of Hound?

There is no feminine version of the word "hound". The proper term for any female dog is "bitch".

What is the proper name for Ida?

The proper name for Ida could be either a given name or a shortened version of the name Idaho, depending on the context. It's important to determine how the name is being used before identifying its proper form.

Why does The graphics of breath of fire is ruined in the infinity?

Which console are you playing on? If you have it downloaded and you are playing the GBA version, I've had experiences with it glitching up. If you can't stand it, try downloading the SNES version instead. If you have a proper version, I'm afraid I can't help you.

The lack of proper marketing research can be the reason for the failure of the new version of any product?

Yes, without proper research, the marketing team can get it wrong. This can lead to the company losing millions in revenue.