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Q: What the second main idea for this outline whales home?
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What does a outline looks like?

1. Topic one/ main idea A. Sub heading 1. More info on sub heading 2. " B. Second sub heading still on first topic 1. 2. 2. Second topic/ main idea A. 1. You get the idea....

How should you handle a new idea that occurs to you as you write?

Try to fix it into your outlining

How can you make an outline for one paragraph?

Use your topic sentence as the main idea of your outline and use the details from the supporting sentences.

What is phrase outline?

A group of words that expresses a complete idea or thought

In a formal outline what should Roman numerals represent?

Main idea

What did the Indus valley people have whales in there back garden?

they never had whales in their back garden. not sure on what gave you the idea.

Do Whales Bite?

i have no idea cause im not researching whales im researching earth anbody tell me anything about it ????

An outline shows the relationship between the main idea and supporting details?


Can you illustrate outline?

An outline is the organizational tool we have for any topic. With this tool, you can make your talk, book, or topic flow from one idea to another. Just like the paragraph, the outline is the basis for reasonable dissemination of ideas from one to another.To make an outline, start with the topic. This is the idea you are trying to convey.I. Then you start to cover the first main idea that you wish to discuss.A. This is the first point's ideaB. This is the second point of your first main idea.C. This is the third point of the first main idea.II. Now you have a second point of the topic to cover.A. The second point's first idea1. Something very complicated about the second point's idea2. The second complication of the second point's ideaB. The second point's second ideaIII. The third point to your discussionIV. The conclusion to the topic.Notice that the Roman numerals, letters, and numbers will be a diagram of the topic in depth. This is the "roadmap" of your topic and those who read or listen to your ideas have some clue to the direction of your ideas.This is the way that you "map" how you are going to write your speech or paper. The outline can help you keep from adding things that don't need to be there, and can show you how you get off track when you add in things that might be related. It's a tool like any other in writing.One of the "rules" to outlining is that (1) the big points are Roman numerals, (2) the ideas in the big points are alphabets and (3) the sub points are numbers. If you need more organization than this, add lower case letter headings to the numbers, then numbers again to break it down even further. For most people the outline above is sufficient to do the job.

What should you do if you think of a new idea while you are writing your rough draft?

Look at your outline and determine if the idea fits into the structure of your composition

Is an outline a rough draft?

Because it helps you figure out exectly what your going to write also, if you have something that your going to write about and you have an idea in your head, you can write it down in your outline and not forget about it.... its always a greta idea to write an outline before writeing your rough draft

What is the difference between an outline sentence and a topic sentence?

A topic sentence essentially presents the main idea. An outline sentence, on the other hand, gives the summary or plan.