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Q: Which of the fallowing root word is greek in derivation A. Pulse b lent C liber D Photo?
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Photo means what in Greek?

photo is from phos φώς ΦΩΣ=light

What is the derivation of the word photograph?

Many words in the English language come to us from Latin or Ancient Greek. "Photo" is derived from Greek - the Greek word "phos" means "light." The word "graph" also comes from a Greek word meaning "to draw." A Photograph is therefore a drawing made with light. We often shortern the word "photograph" to "photo." The latin word for "light" is "lux."

What kind of name is Spiro Agnew?

It is of Greek derivation. The original surname was something like "Anagnostopoulos"

What is the greek root for photo?

from the Greek 'phos' meaning light

What does the last name Izydor mean?

Izydor is a Polish form the name Isidore. It is off Greek derivation and is based on the Greek word for "glory".

Translate photo to greek?


What is nomothetic?

Nomothetic is a Greek derivation meaning proposition of the law in general or universal. The word is used in philosophy.

What does photo mean?

Photo Means Light. It is also a Greek root.Here are some words that start with photo: Photography, photocells, photocopy, photodetector, photoduplicate

What is the greek word for photo?

φωτογραφία "photographIa"

What does the word photo mean in greek?


Does the maths word 'factor' come from a Greek word?

The derivation of "factor" is from Latin, through French and Middle English.