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You probably mean "How, or in what way are dolphins unique," not "why." The correct answer to Why are dolphins are unique is: There is nothing exactly like them. Whether that is actually true is not relevant. As for How are dolphins unique, the answer requires detailed discussion of marine mammal taxonomy.

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Q: Why are dolphins unique?
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Related questions

Are dolphins unique species?

There are approximately 40 different species of dolphins

What are the dolphins unique ecosystem?

the ocean

What are 3 facts about dolphins?

they are unique and special. they are intelligent. humans have been around dolphins for years.

What are unique caracteristiques about bottlenose dolphins?

Bottle nose dolphins are the most common and numerous type of dolphins. They are considered extremely intelligent and use squeak and whistling sounds to communicate.

What are dolphins unique for regarding the fact that they are mammals?

They feed their young milk, give live birth, and are warm blooded.Because dolphins breathe air.

Why do different dolphins not look the same?

Different type of dolphins have their own unique faces and they are just like us , everyone have a different face ( even twins , triplets ) ! we are all different !

How is communication made between dolphins?

Dolphins use a number of techniques to communicate with each other. They have unique whistles to identify themselves and use body language and at least thirty different sounds and vocalizations to converse with one another.

Are Dolphins vertebrates or invertebrates?

Dolphins are vertebrates.

Are dolphins going extinct?

only one species of dolphins at this time that are going extinct are the pink river dolpinsHector's dolphins (New Zealand dolphins) are also in danger of becoming extinct. The endangered river dolphins are Amazon River dolphins, Ganges River dolphins, Chinese White dolphins, Indus River dolphins, and La Plata River dolphins.

Fun facts about dolphins?

They always smile, even when they are dead.They are very smart.Really fast swimmers.Can do tricks.They live in lakes.They live in most oceans around world.

Are dolphins extinct?

No, but some species of dolphins are endangered, like the Indus River dolphins and the Yangtzee River dolphins. The pink Amazon River dolphins and the Ganges River dolphins are classed as

How are female dolphins and male dolphins alike?

they are both dolphins.