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its a sign of i don't want to hang out with retards so if someone said bye to you you shouldn't even call that person any more because he doesn't want to hang out with you anymore

It is a shortening of goodbye, a traditional signing-off used in many languages. Russians say Dosvedanya. Italians say Arreivdercci. Japanese say Sayanora. Spanish say adios. Germans have several ways to say goodbye, but auf wiedersehen is the most well-known outside Germany. In France, au revoir means goodbye for now, and adieu means goodbye forever.

BYE BYE BYE BYE BYE BYE BYE BYE BYE BYE!!!!!!!(i like the first answer) <(*__^)>

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Q: Why do people say bye?
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You just have to say bye in English its the same, but people in Thailand usually say bye -byehere how you say it (In Thailand by~ by.) (In English bye~bye.)I am glad to help. if you need to learn more about speaking in Thailand please contact202-412-4460And my name is James who wrote this stuff.have fun speaking thai bye!!!!

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Most people in Hong Kong merely say "bye-bye", although in proper Cantonese it should be "&aring;&dagger;&#141;&egrave;&brvbar;&lsaquo;" (pronounced joi-gin).

How do you say good bye in cantonese?

In written form it would be &#20877;&#35211; (joi gin) But people usually say &#25308;&#25308; (bye bye)&lt;--yes its just the same as English.

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How do say rhyzire in spanish?

to say my name in spanish is rhizome that the easy way so thats how you say any questions people okay that all for today bye bye

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Bye Bye Everyone

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I know that you say bye bye ciao ciao but i dont know how to say lover sry

How do they say good- bye in France?

Aurevoir. A bient&ocirc;t. But if you say "good bye" or "bye bye" everyone understands you.