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This is the price of belief in the myth of Adam's rib - which is not limited to Jews, Christians and Muslims. Economic Civilization itself is based on male supremacy and the idea that maleness is the "right stuff," and what adult males want and think is what society should want and think, while femaleness is the other stuff, the weird stuff, the dirty stuff, the scary stuff, and society doesn't care what females want or think unless they are copying the males. We may honor and respect our lady bomber pilots, but not our teachers or grandmothers.

Even science, which should know better, takes the male of the species for the type, when all the evidence of nature proves that it should be the other way round: maleness is clearly a development from a female original. In the wild, animal government consists mostly of females protecting the young from the murderous, roaring rages of the males. Male-dominant Humans are the only species who follow unstable leaders.

But women have the vote, now. Women will change things when they will get together across cultural, political and economic lines. But as long as feminism only produces more cops and pro athletes and corporate raiders who happen to be women, we're doomed to the guys' perpetually wasteful, competitive and violent dog-eat-dog model of human interaction.

But why do the males treat the females with such disrespect? Because the males know, deep down, that the story of Adam's rib is a lie, and like teenage boys, their guilty conscience makes them act badly.

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Q: Why is there prejudice against women?
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