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yes it does. It helps strengthen your thighs, arms and inner core. You would have to do it regularly to notice a difference.

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Q: Does horse riding help you to lose weight?
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How can a bike help you lose weight?

Of course! Bike-riding is a fairly intense form of exercise that will help keep you fit and lose weight.

Does riding a stationary bike help to lose weight fast?

Riding a stationary bike is a great way to lose weight. Any kind of physical activity is a great step toward healthy living and personal fitness.

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Does dance and bike riding help to lose weight on you legs?

There is no such thing as spot reduction. Dancing and biking are good cardiovascular activities which can cause you to lose weight all over your entire body. As said before, it is not possible to lose weight in just one area.

Can riding horses help you to lose weight?

yes. horse riding is good for you it helps:1. builds your horsesmanship and relation ship with your horses.2. It also helps build and relax your muscles.3. And the you ride more of a confidence rider you become and that means less accidents and injures.

How many pounds can you lose if ride a horse?

The amount of weight you would lose would depend greatly on how often you rose and what type of riding you do. A basic riding lesson with walking , trotting, and perhaps a little cantering is about the same as playing doubles tennis in regards to the workout you would get.

You want to ride your horse but are you too heavy?

Get a stronger horse or lose weight

Does a horse lose weight during pregnancy?

Does burning your food help you lose weight?

Burned food will not help you lose weight. It will however help you get cancer.

What causes a horse to lose its mane?

By not brushing before you go ut riding and by leaving grimes in it

Doe push ups help lose weight?

It does help lose weight and, helps you tone your musclesyes

Does loping on a horse help lose belly fat?

Only for the horse.