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Go on my account, then go it tells you your days registered, that's your seniority. Hope this helps:)

Add me on howrse, onlymee ;)

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Q: How do you check your seniority on howrse?
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You cannot. Nowadays, there ARE no riding levels. Jobs are now just based on seniority. BTW, my Howrse user name is FCGirl. Happy Howrsing!

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you have to be on howrse for seventeen days hope this helped my name is lipizzanlover888 on howrse

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After 10 days of seniority. SIGNATURE: My sources? Gosh.... HOWRSE! Senior member of Wiki.answers and Howrse.

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No, you cannot purchase seniority on Howrse. Seniority is how long you have been playing a game, and isn't a ranking that a player can progress on by improving their game - it's more like a simple list of who's been on the game the longest.

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You must have 10 days seniority to give gifts on Howrse.

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20 days.

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If you mean a farrier, you have to have 40 days of seniority.

Why can't you sell your horse in the reserved or direct sales in Howrse at 14 days seniority?

Aside from the seniority, you need 3 karma points and have to own 2 horses. ~Camigurl on howrse if you want to friend. :)

How many days of seniority do you need to make a breeding farm on howrse?

You have to have at least 60 days seniority to create a breeding farm.

How can you get 30 days of seniority in one day for free on howrse?

Seniority is gained by logging in to the game on separate days. To reach a seniority of 30 you must log in on 30 different days.

How do you complete 2 days of seniority on level 2 achievements on howrse?

be there for days