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To boost a horses morale, (on howrse) It helps if you exersize them, and feed them. You can also give your horse a calorific MASH, wich will boost its morale by 70%. Also, giving it treats and grooming it, as well as stroking it will help.

If you have any questions, my howrse user is tinas22.

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12y ago

You can either age the horse and not groom and that will lower the horse morale.

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4y ago
That’s not really Correct because you can’t put horse to sleep without grooming him , you need to low His energy lower than 10% and then put him to bed and then age him ,that will lower His morale

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Iwant to go yo a game called but I can't find it what do I do? Iwant to go to a game called but I can't find it what do I do?

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Q: How do you make your horse have low moral in howrse?
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To get your horse's health up, first of all make sure it is not to fat or skinny. You can do this by clicking on "feed my horse". If your horse is a foal, it will gain health as it grows. You have to groom, feed and water your horse every day. If your horse's health is drastically low (15% or less) you must use a black orchid or your horse could die. For more help on this, go to the howrse forums.

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You have to "kill" a horse then click "send this howrse to heaven" (not the safe haven). To kill a howrse work it until its energy is below 5 then age it. It should die! Or wait until it gets to 30, then its health will drop very low and it will die, and if you do the "send it to heaven" you'll get a pass! Hope this helps LeaBuff

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The horses on Howrse die when their Energy, health, or morale reach 0%. After a horse turns 25, their health decreases by 2% each day. If your Howrse is over the age of 30 and dies at age 30 years and 2 months, you get a pass. So if you want passes, make sure your howrse is over the age of 30.or, your howrses die when you neglect them. just because your howrse is old doesn't mean that you have to stop feeding, training, and taking care of it. you can keep it just like any other howrse, i have a mare that is 62, and she is doing great and still has foals and competes! (mind you, this IS a game, in real life people don't breed horses when they have just turned two, and don't keep breeding them when they are older than 20-ish; especially sine the common life span is 30.)

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