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You need 2 karma points to create an affix on Howrse.

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Q: How many karma for an affix?
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In Howrse how many karma points do you need for an affix?

You need 2 karma points to make an affix on Howrse.

How many karma points are required to create a first affix?

You need 2 Karma points to create an affix.

How many karma points required to create a first affix?

You can create an affix once you have 2 karma. You can create a breeding farm once you have 3 karma.

When you make a affix on howrse does it take your karma away?

No, but you can no longer make an affix with those two karma points.

What is an Affix on howrsecom?

An affix is a group of horses created by a breeder.To create and affix you must have 2 karma. So, for every 2 karma you have you can create 1 affix. You can add horses that you bred to your affix.Answered by sjs123456 on, friend me there!

What can you do with 2 karma points on howrse?

You can make an affix.

When you reserve an affix on howrse do you loose karma?

no, you keep the only determines how many affixes you can have at once.

What is The number of karma points required to create a first affix?

2 karma points. On Howrse I am soccergal22.

What number of karma points are required to create the first affix on howrse?

2 karma points please add or congradulate me on howrse i am guineapig19

Do you lose karma points if you create an affix?

No, you can only lose karma if you break the rules of Howrse, so consider having the affixes and breeding farms as perks for having good karma.

How Do you Give An Affix on Howrse?

To give an affix on Howrse you need 2 karma points. Go to your horse's page and scroll to the bottom where there is an option to manage your affixes.

How do you put an affix on a Howrse with Pegasus account?

Once you have been registered and connected for 30 days you get a karma point. After 60 days of conncetion you now have 2 karma points. once you have 2 you can create an affix. Then, there will be an option right below or next to "Rename your horse" at the bottom of the page. But, the horse has to have been born on your account. If you bought a horse, you cannot give it an affix. To make one after you get 2 karma you go to my horses and then go to the bottom and click on my affixes and then click create an affix