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2 karma points please add or congradulate me on howrse i am guineapig19

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Q: What number of karma points are required to create the first affix on howrse?
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What is The number of karma points required to create a first affix?

2 karma points. On Howrse I am soccergal22.

On howrse what are the number of karma points required to create a first affix?

3 karma pts. my user name is tophorsefan check me out i have horses for sale no its actually 2 karma points. my user name is leila124 on howrse

Who is the best player on Howrse?

chrissyh is number one on howrse. She has over a million points.

How many karma for an affix?

You need 2 karma points to create an affix on Howrse.

What is the overall prize for Howrse achievement level 7?

Two passes, five aging points, 5000 equus and two more breeding farms. Note: You still need the required Karma points to actually create the breeding farms.

Enter the number of karma points required to create a first affix?

You just need 30 days of seniority.

How do you create breeds once you have 3 karma points on Howrse?

Go to Directories>breeding>manage my breeding farms>create a breeding farm

How many karma points are required to create a first affix?

You need 2 Karma points to create an affix.

How do you get the wandering horses on Howrse?

you have to get 100 points on howrse (you get points by stroking and grooming your horse and entering it into an competition)

In Howrse how many karma points do you need for an affix?

You need 2 karma points to make an affix on Howrse.

Why can't I add another breeding farm on Howrse?

You can only create a breeding farm every few karma points or if you have a Pegasus account.

On Howrse it is not letting you sell your aging points what do you do?

It is because the maximum to buy and sell aging points for a day is 5 days =] Frances.A francey99 on howrse