Colt is male,filly is female
A filly is a female and colt is a male
Baby horses of either sex are called foals. The female is a filly; the male is a colt.
a filly is a female baby, and a colt is a male baby!
A male foal is a colt. A female foal is a filly.
A female horse from the age of birth to 4 years old is a filly.
The opposite gender of a filly (young female horse) is a colt (young male).MareMaybe the opposite of filly is colt (a young male horse).
A young horse can be called a foal if the gender is not known, a filly if it is female and a colt if it is a male.
A filly is a baby female horse, a baby male horse is called a colt.
There is a feminine and masculine term for a young horse. A young female horse is referred to as a filly. A young male horse is a colt.
A young male is a colt, do you mean a filly (the female of a youngter?)
male is called stud or gelding the female is either filly or mare