The coats are randomly selected from all possible coats for that breed.
To create a breed on Howrse you need to start a petion and have 10% of the active population sign it and agree.
An Irish hunter is a pure breed. You can only breed an Irish hunter with an Irish hunter to get an Irish hunter.
Two and a Half (2 Years, 6 Months)
From me looking at Cremello horse family trees, i just depends on luck I guess
You must already have a Purebred Spanish. Or you can buy a Purebred Spanish horse in the sales already purebred. It is impossible to make a breed or breed two breeds of horses to make another breed in Howrse. Only the Administration can make new breeds.
To get a 13* horse on Howrse, I believe that you need to get either 2 13* horses and breed them, and the foal will be 13*, or you can breed like a 12* and a 14* and the foal should be 13*. Hope this helps, I'm not sure, but I think I'm right.
The pomeranian is a small toy breed that has a fluffy coat. Their coats need quite alot of brushing! Hope this helps.
No. The only way to get a Pegasus, is to buy Medusa's blood and give it to one of your foals/horses/ponies. Medusa's blood only works once. You can also buy a Pegasus in the Sales, found under breeding. You need to be over 20 days old on the site though. :) You can breed 2 Unicorns though.
Coats for kids is an oranization that gives kids in need coats that I belive are used.
You need 2 karma points to make an affix on Howrse.
every day in real life and on howrse HOWRSE ANSWER:every day JustinMorgan from howrse
You need to find them on howrse. There can be anywhere. I found one when I clicked on a howrse sale.