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Saxon knights are medievalknights who happen to be Saxons. The Saxon Knights is also the name of of a white supremacist prison gang in the US prison system I am a former guard who worked for the department of corrections in Indiana and I would like to make a few comments regarding the Saxon Knights as I saw them. I know when you hear of a group of white men in prison you almost always think its about racism, white supremacy and / or hate groups. That is a stigma that primarily has been placed on these groups by gangs like the Aryan brotherhood. While these gangs do exist, Saxon Knights are not like that. In my opinion I would not even call them a gang , they act more like a family of brothers who are well unified. Being a guard among prison inmates I have had individual conversations with many Saxon Knights ( aka ,S.K.'s ) and they all seem to be very educated of the most part, and honorable as they portray themselves to be they do have a few knuckleheads however. In fact I can say just about every S.K. I have talk to was either in college, ged, or some vocational trade. When you ask them about that they all say pretty much the same thing... that knowledge to them is the key to the future and without it their past is destine to repeat itself. WOW, this comes from inmates!! Its my opinion to label them as a gang is unfair. Don't get me wrong I have seen serval fights take place involving these guys and other inmates, so they do act out in valiance at times, however fighting is a common occurrence in such a curd environment like prison. In those altercations involving S.K. members, when its all said and done they are usually on the respectable side of those situations. Meaning only that fights that they where involved in were usually for fair reasons. They are defiantly not a passive group of guys when it come to something they feel strongly about, or when it comes to one of their own being threatened. They are certainly a tight nit group. I personally have shook-down their cells and had to confiscate what they call their "bi-laws" and after reading them, they seem to be positive, moral values that they stand on...for the most part. The S.K. are a pretty good group of guys.

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15y ago
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For the betterment of the SAXON KNIGHTS, S.K. MAC H&L 1911.

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Richie Adams

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3y ago
great answer thx!

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11y ago

No, but LaQuisha's snizz smells awesome.

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Q: What are Saxon knights?
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