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brake pad warning light

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Q: Vw golf warning light with a circle and three dashes on either side. What is that?
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What does the warning light on a e30 BMW mean its a circle with 3 dashes either side?

Break pads low

What does the orange warning light in the shape of a circle with dashes around it mean?

It is the tire preasure light.

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Did you ever figure this out as I have the same problem.

What does the brake pad wear warning light on a BMW 3 series look like?

its a yellow circle with small dashes running on the outside of the circle

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A yellow circle with three dashes on both sides of the circle.

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what does the warning light mean a circle with three dashes on each side?

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The light that pops up as a circle with three dashes on the right and left side of the circle, what does that mean?

What does the warning light on the dashboard of a BMW 3 series that looks like a circle with three dashes on both sides mean?

Ur Brakes need to be changed.

What does the orange light with a circle with 3 dashes on the right and left side of the circle mean?

check engine light

What does it mean when a light comes on in your dash that is a circle and there is 3 dashes on each side of the circle?

It means check your brake pads

What the BMW yellow circle warning light?

engine light

What does the yellow circle surrounded by a dashed circle warning light mean on a VW polo it's next to oil symbol?

its the warning light for the brake system